Tuesday, February 16, 2010

“I can lose weight... but you'll always be an arsehole!” - Simon Pegg (Run Fatboy Run)

Hello and welcome to Newly Fat Guy. The concept is pretty simple. For the first two-thirds of my life (ages 1 – 25) I was fairly fit. Kept my weight at a decent level, was active and healthy-ish. For this last third of my life (26 – 38) . . . well . . . I’ve sort of let myself go. Let myself go out for ice cream. Let myself go out and get some fast food. Let myself go downstairs, sit down, and watch a lot of T.V. (But hey, you went down the stairs! Thanks, smartass. There’s this thing called gravity that helped - it gets the assist.) As a result of all of this “letting go” I seem to have gained so much more. I now weigh in at 255lbs. Put this into a BodyMassIndex calculator with my height and it tells me I’m obese (I know there are flaws with BMI we’ll get into that some other time). I’ve never had anyone tell me I was obese before. Since this is somewhat of a new experience for me I consider myself a Newly Fat Guy.

I’ve done enough in the “letting go” department, it is now time to start “getting back.” Getting back into healthier foods prepared / cooked at home. Getting back away from the table when I’ve had enough. Getting back into an exercise program. Getting back to my old self.

What better day to kick this whole blog off than Fat Tuesday? (What is a blog? Can I eat it? How many calories does it have?) As a procrastinator when it comes to most things I went through the whole weight loss holiday procrastination. “Well, I can’t really start this until sometime after Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve. That’s just a given.” “And everyone else is doing their whole New Year’s resolution thing to get healthy and I don’t want to do what every one else is doing. So that’s not going to work.” “And then there is MLK day, Groundhog day, the premiere for the new season of Lost, the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, etc.” And there it was . . . Tuesday February 16, 2010 - Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras). It’s a day when people go absolutely apeshit with all their vices before they have to give them up for Lent. What better day to start a blog called Newly Fat Guy? What better day to start getting healthy? A better day does not exist, my friend, I’ve checked. Plus it brings me back to my Catholic roots of giving stuff up for Lent. Just this time I’m giving it up for life, not just Lent. (What are you giving up for Lent? I’m giving up being a fat ass.)

Why not call your blog “The” Newly Fat Guy? Because I’m not “The” only one. There are other NF Guys and NF Gals out there in the world. Maybe some of them will read this and get some help or insight into their own health or weight loss. I’m not a professional and no one should be taking advice from me, but if it happens accidentally then so be it.

Okay, that’s enough for now I don’t want to overdo this whole blogging thing. (Blogging is that an exercise? Is it a certain way in which to chew your food? Does it have anything to do with your colon?) I’m a Newly Fat Guy and I currently weigh in at 255 lbs.
“I can lose weight, but you’ll always be welcome to read and follow my blog and tell your friends.”

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